Hi! I’m Kóte Carvajal. Thanks for visiting my site!
I colored/wrote comics and graphic novels from Chile to the world since 2008. My colors are part of different projects in USA, New Zealand, France and Chile. These years of work led me to win the Historieta’s Pepo prize as best Chilean colorist from 2021 and the bronze medal in the Japan International Manga Award with Lautaro el Ascenso in 2024.
As writer I published eight graphic novels teaming-up with talented Chilean artists. Among of these, El Cardenal (Liberalia Ediciones, 2018) won the IBBY Chile’s prize Colibry Medal as the Best Graphic Novel from 2018 and Inmuno: Invasion a Corpus (Áurea Ediciones, 2021) won FIC prizes as Best comic, Best Artist, Best Writer and Best Cover from 2022.
The comic book colorist path allowed me to be part of incredible projects like Mars Attacks The Human Condition (IDW, 2012), One Must Break (BRM, 2015), Clusterf@#k (Alterna Comics, 2016) and Megacenturions (Scout Comics 2022). Besides, to make team with great artists like Alan Robinson, Dexter Wee, Diego Toro, Fernando Pinto and Claudio Muñoz, among others.
In my writer facet I published YA Graphic Novels like Corazón Nerd (Anfibia, 2016), El Cardenal (Liberalia, 2018), Juan Valiente (Liberalia, 2019), Inmuno (Áurea, 2021) and All-Ages Graphic Novels like Príncipe Yu (Loqueleo, 2019), Padre, Maestro y Amigo (Salesianos, 2020) and Futbolitas (Zig-Zag, 2022). In adittion to this, in October of 2021 Juan Valiente was published in France trough Mosquito Editions being my first book in foreign language.